- Initial feasibility study started in 2008
- Owned by the Belgian holding company PROPELWIND nv
- S.A.S. Company started as concept developer in 2011, to evolve as:
- Technology provider: ship design, wind engine, performance evaluations
- Engineering up to Final Investment Decision (FID)
- Construction project management
Support in operations (routeing, crew training)
- Project team integrates:
- In-house vast experience in large industry and shipping / shipbuilding know-how and innovations
- Top sail racing experts / innovators / winners
- Co-founder of IWSA (International Windship Association) and assistant to the founder of ZESTAs (Zero Emission Ship Technology Association)

Company History
2008 to 2010
- Feasibility and limits of main propulsion and soft sails
- Concept design: luxury cruise catamaran / wingsail
- Started the trimaran cargo vessel, generic, fast concept
- Launching PROPELWIND sas company
- In-depth performance and structural study of 10,000 dwt wind-powered cargo ship (monohull and catamaran)
- Patent on large tiltable / foldable wingsail
- Tentative demo-cargo with large racing trimarans
- Wind assistance to propulsion on LR – MR tankers for Oil Major
- Economic comparison between wind propulsion and air cargo for a large US-based logistic company looking for supply chain decarbonization
- Start communication
- Wingsail cost estimate
- Potential partner search
- Start PLANETTE – integration of PROPELWIND
- Wind for assistance to propulsion – case study for a shipowner
- Comprehensive wind propulsion market study
- Awards
- Introduce hydrogen
- Wind assistance to propulsion for LNG carriers
- Start ZESTAs
- Prepare partnerships
- LNG propulsion and bunkering
- Develop dry bulk cargo handling / break bulk storage
- Start consultancy for WASP (Wind for Assistance to Ship Propulsion)
- Prepare wingsail test on a small coaster
- IWSA launched
- Zero-emission trimaran with green fuel in outer hulls and side cargo handling to barges (patent)
- WASP assessments completed for 5 shipowners
- Resumed the development of the monohull version
In 2013, we won several awards:
- Lloyd’s List Innovation Award 2013 – Middle East & India
- Lloyd’s List Environment Award 2013 – Asia (finalist)

planette.be & SDG's
PROPELWIND would soon be integrated into planette.be, a concept-incubator (structure in the making) dedicated to various efficient and global solutions in relation with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s).
planette.be is looking for smart strategic investors.

The operating Company PROPELWIND s.a.s. is fully owned by the holding Company PROPELWIND n.v. registered in Brussels and owned by 16 friendly risk capitalists and the founder.